Responsibility to the functions it performs, to colleagues, to clients, to the company, in order to generate a positive contribution to the community in which we operate and to society in general.
Honest and trustworthy, meeting obligations and operating with the highest standards of integrity.
Challenge what seems wrong, regardless of the problem or the circumstances.
Seek advice and suggestions from others if in doubt.
Consistently delivering great work, we say what we do and do what we say. To offer a superior and distinct value to our customers.
High performance, organization and effort to want to learn and know how to listen.
Strive and overcome each day with dedication and humility to improve knowledge, skills, and personal and company development.
Helping colleagues grow, develop, and thrive, to increase potential, inspire and support each other for excellence, while sharing successes and learning from mistakes.
Constructive and committed to collaborating with the entire team and partners.
Team spirit, focus and determination to respect commitments with the team, the clients and the company.
Job responsibility, taking the initiative, innovating, taking intelligent risks, and never settling for second best.
Boldness with humility, to act quickly and seize opportunities or adjust to new demands.
Profitability of the business to be able to invest in new equipment and work tools, distribute to employees who contribute to the company's development and economic and social sustainability for the future.
Thanks, compensation, and collaboration with colleagues, company, and clients.